The U3A of Highbridge’s 15th Anniversary Celebrations

The U3A of Highbridge’s 15th Anniversary Celebrations

Celebrations start on Monday 13th July with the American Picnic at the Lower Maunsel Lock on the Bridgwater & Taunton Canal.

This will follow the usual format, where everyone attending brings along a plate of food to share with others; don’t overdo it because we sometimes find there is a lot of food left over. Bring whatever you fancy, savoury or sweet and of course your cutlery and a glass. Please let Fay know if you plan to come and what food you will bring, to ensure we have variety of food.

The café at the lock has a covered area should we be unlucky and have a cool, damp day. But, just in case it is fine, bring a camp chair or groundsheet. Fingers crossed it will be a nice day!

On the Tuesday 14th July there is an “Away Day” to the Cotswolds; to Moreton in the Marsh and Bourton-on-the Water.

Yes! It is the day before our 15th Birthday Celebration, so please don’t tire yourself out on this trip to the Cotswolds.

On Wednesday 15th July we celebrate this U3A’s 15th Birthday by holding a Special Coffee Morning; it will be somewhat different to that normally enjoyed by regular attendees.

At ‘great expense’ we have arranged for you to be entertained by the Burnham U3A’s Concert Party and Ukulele Band. Also, at further expense, we will provide a Ploughman’s Lunch to all who wish to partake of this gourmet feast; free, gratis and for nothing!

All we would ask you to do — (that is if you wish to attend the Coffee Morning on the 15th July and join in our celebration) —-is to put your name on the list provided so that the caterers will know how many mouths need filling.

At the Coffee Morning on the 1st July, (not a lot of warning really) there will be a list prominently positioned for you to ‘sign’ that is if you want a lunch. Alternatively please ring Vour Orchard on 01278/788984 to ensure you are catered for.

Please help make each day a success!!

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